How Do Students Submit Assignments in Teachable


As someone who has been teaching with Teachable for many years, I recognize the importance of assignment submissions for both student learning and instructor evaluation. Assignment submissions allow instructors to assess their student’s knowledge and progress throughout the course, as well as provide students with practice in engaging with online learning mechanisms. In this article, I will provide a comprehensive overview of how to submit assignments in Teachable.

When setting up course content in Teachable, instructors can easily create assignments by adding quizzes or survey questions as part of a lesson. Students are then able to submit their answers in the form of text, file uploads, or both. Every time a student submits an assignment, a notification is sent to the instructor so they can review and grade the submission. Additionally, instructors can manage assignment submissions through the Assignments page in their Teachable course dashboard. They can view submissions, provide feedback, add grades, and download submission files here.




Understanding Assignment Submission in Teachable

Explaining the purpose and structure of assignments in Teachable

As an experienced user of Teachable, I have come to appreciate the value of a streamlined assignment submission process. Assignments in Teachable are designed to help instructors evaluate their student’s understanding of course material, and the platform offers a range of options for creating and grading assignments. With Teachable, instructors can create custom assignments, add multiple file types, and grade them quickly and efficiently.

Highlighting the benefits of a streamlined assignment submission process

One of the most beneficial aspects of Teachable is its easy-to-use assignment submission process. Teachable enables students to submit their assignments quickly and securely, without the need for any external file sharing or third-party applications. For instructors, this streamlined system makes the grading process much easier—they can review an entire class’ assignments, provide feedback and grades, and even allow for re-submissions in one convenient interface. Additionally, Teachable allows instructors to set due dates for assignments and to track student progress in real-time. By providing a straightforward and user-friendly interface, Teachable has taken the hassle out of assignment submission and grading.



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Accessing and Locating Assignments

Navigating to the course or module with the assignment

As a teacher using Teachable, I have found it easy to navigate to the course or module containing the assignment I wish to assign. From the Teachable dashboard, I select the course I wish to add the assignment to, and then navigate to the specific module where the assignment will be located. Depending on the course layout and organization, I can use either the course navigation bar on the left side of the screen or the course modules list at the top of the page.

Locating the specific assignment within the Teachable course interface

Once I have navigated to the module containing the assignment, I can locate the assignment in the course interface. Teachable allows teachers to add multiple types of assignments, such as discussion forums, quizzes, and external links. Depending on the assignment type, it can be located within the module page or in its own dedicated assignment page. For example, if the assignment is a discussion forum, I can find it under the “Discussions” tab within the module interface. Similarly, if the assignment is a quiz, I can find it under the “Quizzes” tab. Once I have located the assignment, I can assign it to my students and track their progress.



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Instructions and Guidelines for Submission

Reviewing assignment instructions and requirements provided by the instructor

As a Teachable user, it is important to carefully review the instructions and requirements for any assignment before proceeding with the submission process. In many cases, the instructor will provide detailed instructions regarding the structure, format, and content of the assignment. It is essential for students to read these thoroughly in order to ensure a successful submission that meets the instructor’s expectations.

Following any specific guidelines or formatting requirements for submission

In addition to the instructor’s instructions, it is important for students to follow any specific guidelines or formatting requirements. Depending on the assignment type, the instructor may provide a specific file format that must be used for submission. Additionally, they may also provide specific formatting requirements for spacing, font, and any other visual elements. By carefully adhering to these guidelines, students can ensure a successful assignment submission.



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Preparing the Assignment for Submission

Completing the assignment task as outlined by the instructor

As a student, the first step in submitting an assignment in Teachable is to ensure that all tasks outlined by the instructor are complete. This typically involves doing research and writing or creating content in line with the assignment’s requirements. I have found that taking the time to understand the assignment details and thoroughly complete the tasks can help me produce higher-quality results that help me stand out from my peers.

Organizing and formatting the assignment content for submission

The next step in submitting an assignment in Teachable is to organize and format the content appropriately. This usually involves following the instructor’s submission guidelines, such as file type, length, and formatting requirements, and ensuring that all materials are saved and submitted in the correct format. To make this process easier, I have found that I can take advantage of Teachable’s built-in editor to organize my content, apply formatting styles, and add multimedia elements. This helps me create a polished and professional assignment that meets the instructor’s requirements.



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Uploading and Submitting Assignments

Step-by-step instructions for uploading assignments in Teachable

As a user of Teachable, I have found that one of the platform’s greatest strengths is its flexibility when it comes to assignment submissions. With a few clicks, you can easily set up assignments for your students, allowing them to submit their work for evaluation and feedback. Here is a step-by-step guide to setting up assignments in Teachable:

1. Create a new course or open an existing course and click on “Assignments” from the left-hand menu.

2. Click on the “+ Create Assignment” button to create a new assignment.

3. Enter a title and description for the assignment, and choose whether it should be mandatory or optional.

4. Select a due date, if desired, and click “Save.”

5. After creating an assignment, you can then invite students to submit their work. To do this, click on the “Invite Students” button under the assignment details.

6. You can then search for and select specific students or send an invitation to all students in a course.

7. Once students have accepted their assignments, they will be able to submit their work.

Exploring the available submission methods

When it comes to assignment submissions, Teachable provides a variety of options to meet the needs of different types of courses. For example, students can submit files, such as documents, images, audio, and video, as well as text-based answers. Additionally, Teachable offers powerful built-in tools to evaluate students’ submissions, including comments, annotations, and grading capabilities. With these features, you can provide clear feedback to your students, helping them to understand their strengths and areas of improvement.



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Confirming Successful Submission

Verifying that the assignment has been successfully uploaded

As a Teachable instructor, I have found it important to verify that student submissions are successfully uploaded to Teachable. Luckily, Teachable provides a few ways to do this. First, when a student submits an assignment, they will be presented with a confirmation message indicating that their submission was successful. Additionally, instructors can view the list of student submissions on the Assignments page of the course. Here, I can see which students have submitted their assignments and the date and time of the submission.

Understanding any confirmation or notification mechanisms in Teachable

Teachable also offers several notification and confirmation mechanisms to help instructors keep track of student submissions. For example, instructors can set up automated email notifications for when a student submits an assignment, allowing them to stay up to date when grading student work. Additionally, instructors can also set up an automation rule for when a student submits their assignment late, allowing them to easily identify late submissions.



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Late Submissions and Extensions

Addressing the possibility of late submissions and requesting extensions

As an instructor, I understand that sometimes students may need more time to complete an assignment. To address this, I use Teachable’s built-in late submission feature, which allows me to specify a deadline and then extend it on a per-student basis if needed. This way, I can ensure that all of my students have the chance to submit assignments on time, regardless of any unforeseen circumstances.

Communicating with the instructor for special circumstances or deadline adjustments

In some cases, students may have legitimate reasons for needing additional time to complete an assignment. As an instructor, I strive to be understanding and accommodating in these special circumstances. To handle these cases, I encourage students to reach out to me directly to discuss their situation and, if necessary, request an extension. This way, I am able to better understand my student’s needs and offer personalized support and guidance.


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Reviewing Instructor Feedback and Grades

Explaining the process of receiving feedback and grades on submitted assignments

As a student using Teachable, I have found that the platform provides excellent support for submitting and receiving feedback and grades on assignments. After submitting an assignment, my instructor is able to quickly review all of the assignments and provide personalized feedback, grades, and assessments. When the instructor has finished reviewing the assignment, I am notified in my Teachable dashboard, allowing me to access the instructor’s comments, grades, and assessments. This feature has been invaluable in my online learning experience, as it provides me with immediate feedback and guidance for further improvement.

Accessing instructor comments, assessments, or evaluations in Teachable

Once I have been notified of an assignment review, I am able to access the instructor’s comments, assessments, and evaluations directly from my Teachable dashboard. To do this, I simply navigate to the “Courses” tab on my dashboard, then click on the specific course and assignment I wish to view. Here, I can review my instructor’s comments and assessments, as well as find my grade for the assignment. Additionally, I am able to view and download any grading rubrics or resources associated with the assignment, allowing me to better understand the instructor’s evaluation.


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Troubleshooting Assignment Submission Issues

Addressing common challenges students may encounter during the submission process.

As a teacher using Teachable, I understand that the assignment submission process can be confusing for students. There are several potential challenges they may encounter, including difficulty uploading files, confusion about the assignment instructions, or a lack of understanding of how the submission process works. It is important to consider these potential issues when designing your assignment and provide clear instructions and guidance to ensure successful submission for your students.

Providing troubleshooting steps for resolving assignment submission issues

When students are having difficulty submitting their assignments, I recommend following these troubleshooting steps:

1. Ensure that the student is uploading the correct file type.

Most Teachable courses accept common file types such as PDFs, images, and videos, so be sure that students are aware of this ahead of time.

2. Check that the student has followed the assignment instructions correctly.

If the instructions are unclear, provide additional guidance or an example to help students better understand what is expected.

3. Check if the student has the correct software installed on their computer in order to open the assignment.

Providing clear instructions on the type of software required can help students avoid software compatibility issues.

4. Check the student’s internet connection and ensure that it is stable.

5. If the student is still having difficulty submitting their assignment, contact them individually and provide assistance.

By providing clear instructions and troubleshooting steps, you can help make the assignment submission process smoother for your students.



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By now, you should have a better understanding of the assignment submission process in Teachable. To begin, educators must create an assignment and enable student submission. Students must then be enrolled in the course and invited to the assignment. They can submit their assignments via the Teachable mobile app or the web platform, depending on the type of assignment. Finally, educators have the option to review and grade the assignments or allow students to self-grade with the use of the rubric tool.

As an experienced user of Teachable, I highly encourage students to actively engage in the assignment submission process for a successful learning experience. Through the platform, educators can not only create and assess assignments but also track student progress, provide meaningful feedback, and ensure that students are meeting their learning objectives. By participating in the assignment submission process, students can gain the most out of their educational experience and work towards achieving their goals.

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